Friday, January 29, 2010
Wedge Bench on Design Boom!!

Alexis Anne Mackenzie

Her work is absolutely amazing. If you want to see some beautiful illustrations and a very unique approach to type, check out Alexis' website HERE.

This is the nerd in me coming out so bear with me. I love video games. Although my girlfriend finds this shameful, she is still up for a good game of Wii bowling or Kung-fu Panda. Anyways, for all you video game lovers out there this is the site for you. It shows all the game consoles ever released...ever. Check it out HERE. It is positively amazing.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Bantjes does Foil

Another favorite of mine, Marian Bantjes, has added some new work to her portfolio. One piece that literally caught my eye is this embossed foil piece. I think the use of the material is fantastic and it works very well with her patterns. Make sure you check her out HERE as she never seems to disappoint!
The Pattern Foundry

I love patterns. Patterns are both simple and complex, all at once. There are so many out there and so many artists and designers creating new patterns everyday that it is difficult to even keep up. One place however is dedicated to just this. Collecting patterns and making them available to anyone and everyone. If you love patterns, you must become familiar with The Pattern Foundry. Check out their website HERE. They are in the process of updating the site but it is still definitely worth a look.

I stumbled across the portfolio of Sean Freeman and loved it. He has a way with typography that is very beautiful and poetic (that one's for you Jonny) and he isn't afraid to experiment. Anyways, I am not going to go into it too much but rather let you see for yourself. You can check him out HERE. Enjoy!
"It took me all my life", and other quotes.

A series of 10 inspiring quotes were realized by 10 different artists. My personal favorite being the one above (not so much for it's looks but mainly for the story itself) which really got me thinking: I might tell this story to all my future clients! You can find the rest of the quotes HERE, all of which are well realized and worth the look. So go and be inspired!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
O.K Periodicals Submissions!!

Submit your creativity to O.K Periodicals and be featured in their next issue! The deadline is February 28 and the theme is "Curiosities". You can submit anything from design, photography, science, illustration, new media, writing etc. So let those creative juices flow and get noticed! Check out the website HERE for more information, and good luck!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Wedge Bench

No glue or nails required. Only wedges. This was a project I collaborated on with designers Jonny Wray and Richard Beumer last summer whilst working on the design for an office interior. The dust has since settled and we have now worked out all the kinks so the next logical step would be to produce this baby. It's exciting and we are still thinking of expanding the line, but I am putting it out there to all you beautiful people to speak your mind, add input and just tell if you would like one...or two, or three!! :-) You can see more of it on my website HERE if you fancy it.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Klaus Haapaniemi

He creates worlds and scenes of pure whimsy and beauty and he does it an a way no one else could even begin to imagine. Another of my favorites, Klaus Haapaniemi has a style unlike anyone else I have seen. Intricate, detailed, vibrant and almost a throwback to the beautifully real/surreal illustrations one saw when they were a child. When things weren't simplified down to mere shapes and pastel colors, as if children today don't have the ability to process complex visuals. I think in this sense his illustrations are very pure. You can check out more of his work at Big Active or visit his website HERE, which is under construction but will hopefully be up soon!
The Fantastical Moomin Valley

The fantastical interior of the Moomin Valley will be sure to leave an impression. It is a very whimsical, almost child-like play on an interior that I appreciate very much. It's almost as if the rooms could be illustrations rather than a real space. The blurred line between what is real and what is not is very beautiful throughout the spaces and it leaves a nice impression. Check out some more photos of the interior HERE.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Autobahn Studio of Graphic Design

Experimentation is the key to discovery, innovation, and new ideas. It's about trial and error, and turning error into something beautiful. That is what graphic studio Autobahn from Utrecht, Netherlands strive for. They aren't afraid to try new things and see what happens. Whether it be creating type from toothpaste, or grooming one of their members backsides into a beautiful landscape, they try it all. I am a strong believer of experimenting and "seeing what happens". You learn something from even the greatest disasters. Check out their website HERE. They are a group of very talented individuals who aren't afraid to try something new and this is definitely reflected in their work. Enjoy!

There is just something about icons that I absolutely love. I don't know if it's their simplicity that makes them so straight forward that I like, or if it's just that so much is crammed into one simple gesture that everyone just somehow gets them that makes them beautiful. Making a clear, understandable icon is itself a great feat, but a fun one. However, I think my love for them goes beyond their simplicity. I think what really gets me is they take the normal and the "everyday" and make them iconic. They say so much in so little, and you can make them say whatever you want. A heart for love, and arrow for direction, a lighting bolt for caution, touch this high voltage item and you may be blown 50 feet into the air and not live to see another day. I think if Dieter Rams were a graphic designer, he would be a master of iconography. You can now download some of these great icons HERE for free! They come in both vector and raster form, so go ahead and admire and have fun!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
The Drawing Machine

Not so long ago, a good friend of mine Alice and I decided to do something. Why you ask? Well we both love drawing, and food (sometimes not in that order) so it was a natural attraction so to speak. We started going to the local screen printing studio here in Eindhoven called Daglicht where we both went from unsure beginner screen printers, to obsessed beginner screen printers. A long story short we are now working on a collective called the Drawing Machine, which will be a place to show and sell our work online. One of our challenges amongst the many is to do a poster a month each. I know I'm excited! We are currently in the process of working on our identity and all that fun stuff so for now check us out at Society 6. It's an online community that promotes illustration and graphic design and is crawling with talent. Our page is obviously called "the Drawing Machine" and you can find it HERE. Wish us luck!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
New Gorillaz! The countdown begins...

And they're back! The Gorillaz are set to release their new album called "Plastic Beach" in roughly one months time which for some (me being one of them) seems like an eternity. On the bright side however, for those of you who can't wait that long and need something to sink your teeth into, you can listen to one of the tracks called "Stylo" online HERE!! The song features non other than the amazing Mos Def and if the rest of the album can carry out the same quality only Damon Albarn knows how to produce, this will definitely be another must listen. Be sure to check out the Gorillaz site as they vamped it up to ring in the new album. New album means new album art by the fantastic Jamie Hewlett...but thats for another day.
A quiet day

Today is one of those days when motivation is low and projects all just seem a bit off. So, in the name of good fun and keeping the morale up, I present to you the Weird Machine. It does nothing useful by the looks of it (and I can't even remember where I found this image) but it's a heck of a lot of fun trying to figure out what, if anything, it would actually do. Maybe it will make my dinner tonight. Actually better yet, it will give me my next greatest idea by using it's rotating feet to stomp ideas through my ear and into my brain. I suddenly have the urge to draw my own ridiculous contraption. I leave it to you now to figure out what this machine can do and in the meantime I am going to draw stuff, and maybe even eat things in the process.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

If you love interactive games that make you think and puzzle and think some more, then go no further! Machinarium, by Amanita Design was recently released not too long ago and it is already getting rave reviews and winning awards. It's a flash based game so the only gaming skills you need is the ability to point and click, and the rest is easy so to speak. The game is quirky, whimsical, smart and very addictive. You start off as a robot in a junk yard who has clearly seen better days, and the rest is you going through beautifully illustrated worlds solving puzzles to help your robot through the land of Machinarium. You can check the demo out HERE, but be sure to also visit the website of Amanita Design for other free fantastic flash games they have developed, all of which are equally as beautiful and addictive. Enjoy! I know you will!
The Modern Blanket Fort

Not so long ago I got together with a good friend of mine, Natalie, and we decided to collaborate on a project together. After much talk about life, and design, and the meaning of both, we decided to do a project around the modern blanket fort. Actually, it didn't begin like that at all, but while doing research on our topic (which was broad and seems to have slipped my mind) I came across the blanket fort. Whilst admiring, thinking, and most of all reminiscing about the countless blanket forts I used to construct as a child, it got me thinking: how cool would it be to have a blanket fort that transcends all ages? If you break down the essence of a blanket fort as seen through the eyes of a child you will discover that it's primary appeal is that of escape and protection. Escape into the far lands of the their imagination , and protection from what those far lands have lurking. As "adults" we are always seeking this except instead of imaginary, these things we need protection from are real. Whether it be the stress of the day or the need to not be found; to be within ones own element, fortified. I have my first official skype meeting with her today (noon her time and 8 p.m my time) which I am very excited about. Perhaps we are on to something?
Monday, January 18, 2010
Soon to be ENGRAVED!!!

I sent it off!!!!! In my previous post regarding "my greatest new discovery" which spoke of a fabulous website called Engrave Your Book, I said I would put up the engraved moleskin design once it was completed. I just sent it off to be engraved and it will be a bit until I receive it in the mail, however I couldn't wait to show everyone the final graphic so here it is! It's an owl (my girlfriend loves owls) and an acorn (she loves acorns too) and if you can see it, there are also two people kissing above the acorn. The story is the owl lives in the acorn and the two people kissing found the acorn with the owl inside (is it a tiny owl or just a big acorn?). The acorn now hangs in their home and the owl likes it that way because he has a warm home and two warm hearts to protect and love him. Anyways, I can't wait to see it in leather! I hope you enjoy.
Machine Lights

Designer Frank Buchwald has created a series of lights called the Machine Lights. Looking at them at first glance they almost seem alive, as if they were little mechanical creatures out of a Tim Burton film. Perhaps that is what Buchwald was getting at. Looking at the machine as not only a series of working parts, but as if those parts together had life and personality and were not dependant on human interaction. The human within the machine, or the machine world. A comment very relevant in todays world considering the advancements of machines and virtual reality, and how machines are becoming more autonomous as they gain more capability and intelligence. Personally I love these lights. They are beautiful and animated and just very interesting. Check out the entire series HERE, they will all blow you away.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Engrave Your Book

My new greatest discovery! Engrave Your Book is a website where you can either buy already beautifully designed moleskin jackets, or...wait for it...you can design your own, submit it, and they engrave it for you!!! I know, I am still blown away. I am currently working on one for my girlfriend and I can't wait to send it off. Once I get it in I will definitely be posting it so you can take a gander. Check out their site HERE to submit your own, but be sure to look for the ones that have already been done by some fantastic artists as they are very beautiful. Again, enjoy!
FUTU Magazine

FUTU Magazine. A magazine based out of Poland and brought to you by guest design studios around the world. They release only two issues a month but are packaged beautifully and are well worth both the price and the wait. The concept is they approach a different design studio each issue to art direct the magazine. These include Ross Lovegrove, most recently Stefan Sagmeister, and next the Campana Brothers. Beautiful in design, quality and execution, each issue is based around a different topic such as Hope, Love and Silence, making it more like a publication than a magazine. They currently have released a grand total of seven issues, all of which are works of art in their own right. Check out their website HERE to see a very cool video they put together that explains their process. Enjoy!
Saturday, January 16, 2010

CALMA's unique ability of creating art that uses strong icons, beautiful pattern and vivid color are just a few reasons why he is one of my favorite artists. His art has recently graced the walls of a favela in his home country of Brazil, where he transformed an entire village into a work of art. From the homes to the local chapel where he even custom did the Tabernacle, his art turned what was once commonplace and degrading into something beautiful and lasting. He gave the people something to be proud of: a breath of new life. Turning something common and disposable into something beautiful and lasting is a fascination of mine. We are surrounded with too many temporary things as it is, that creating a stronger bond to our already existing possessions and surroundings is something that everyone should strive for. Rather than making more meaningless things with no personal attachment, lets actually make what we have mean something to us. Check CALMA's website out and watch the video HERE about his adventures in the village transformation.
Antoine + Manuel do Hong Kong

One of my favorite design Dynamic Duos Antoine and Manuel have an exhibit in the Graphic Village in Hong Kong until the 15th of November. Basically it's an explosion of wall to floor to ceiling awesomeness. Check out their website HERE to see more of their work, but beware as it might actually blow you away.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Kustaa Saksi

Kustaa Saksi is someone who possesses the innate talent of creating fantastical worlds and images. He can take you on a journey through color and pattern that will leave you lost in wonderland. He has done work for some very well known clients and now has his studio at the top of an old chocolate factory in Amsterdam...that would be amazing. Check him out HERE.
Book By Its Cover

If you want to find some really cool children's books, books on design, fine art, comics as well as interviews, sketchbooks and the wonderful world of the handmade go to BOOK BY IT'S COVER! Super cool titles that aren't usually found in that main stream everyone tends to get caught in. Enjoy!
Three Shadows

One of my favorite books...ever. It is a story about love and sacrifice and struggle and just how far one father would go to save his child from the ominous 3 shadows. Cyril Pedrosa is not only an amazing storyteller but a genius when it comes to illustrating. His earlier work can be seen in the animated Disney film "The Hunchback of Notre Dame", as well as in "Hercules". This is a must read for all graphic novel enthusiasts and especially those who just love getting lost in a great story. Simple in it's telling but complex in it's meaning, it will have you thinking and wondering and will really touch you in the old sweet spot. I definitely recommend this to anyone and everyone and if you can't find a copy I will be more than happy to lend you mine! Check it out HERE!
Will you be my Valentype?

It's just a month away and House Industries have released their Valentype. A set of silkscreened letters on maple blocks that have been hand crafted to be mounted on your wall...love at first sight that is. Be sure to order yours HERE before February 11, or it may be finito with your relationship. Well maybe thats a bit harsh but who wants a box filled with cocoa, sugar, and calories when you could have something to cherish for the rest of your lives?
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Boxbird Gallery Print Submissions!

Exciting news for all you printmakers out there! Boxbird Gallery have extended the deadline of their open submission exhibition which will have the theme of travel and foreign adventures. It will all go off at the Brighton Fringe Festival in May. They will be taking on 10 new artists and the deadline to submit is January 30 so get on it! For more information click HERE to get all the fun facts. GOOD LUCK!!!
(above image is done by artist Stephen Elford)
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Another Something

Seroj, a friend of mine and founder of Chocolate and Foam directed me today to a beautiful blog. It is his friend's blog, called Another Something. Once there you can be sure to find some very nice inspiration and articles, however it didn't stop there. After going deeper into the so-called rabbit hole I found out that Another Something is also Another Company. They are based in both Amsterdam and Utrecht here in the Netherlands. They have done some very nice work which you can find HERE. Apparently they are moving to another space called Another Workshop. Be sure to check them out whilst getting lost in another one of their blog posts. That was a lot of another...
Amelia's Anthology of Illustration

AMELIA'S ANTHOLOGY IS OUT!!! I was asked by Amelia from Amelia's Magazine to create an exclusive illustration depicting a certain renewable energy resource. I was given the technology of Power Plastic. It functions in the same way solar panels do but instead of being big and bulky, they are thin sheets of plastic making them more versatile. In this case entire buildings can be wrapped in this. My idea was to imagine the city as a circuit board where things such as light posts could be plugged into the buildings, monuments or anything with surface area. Crazy? Maybe...but thats what it was all about. It's all about getting the illustrator and their fantasy to shed light and creativity on an otherwise seemingly clinical topic. If we're going to save the world let's make it look beautiful in the process!! 39 other illustrators from around the world were featured in the anthology, all of whom are extremely talented. It was an honor to be selected as one of them.
Pictoplasma BERLIN!

"The Pictoplasma Berlin Festival brings together an international scene of artists, directors, designers and agencies, offering a unique forum for all those working with - or simply loving - the visualisation and application of contemporary character design. Whether illustration, animation, graphic design, urban vinyl, street or fine art - the emphasis is not on the limits of style or format, but on the shared dedication to explore character-driven aesthetics. The lively exchange between the various disciplines highlights the importance of characters in contemporary visual culture."
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Turn Steel into Lace

Cal Lane takes old car parts and cuts beautiful lace patterns into them. Simple? Not even. These beautiful patterns are meticulously stencilled and cut to create these beautiful pieces that may not last forever but definitely leave a lasting impression. Please check her website out HERE...it might actually blow you away.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Chinatown Flat Ball

A very beautiful football by DAN FUNDERBURGH. Love the letterpress and the colors and the patterns and....well just about everything really. Although you wouldn't take a free kick with this ball, it is well worth having on the wall. Check his site out HERE...it's fantastic.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Alexander Girard x House Industries

I love Alexander Girard...on a completely professional level that is. His graphic style and his patterns and how he translated these into beautiful objects is something I always look to for inspiration. I recently bought the limited edition book by HOUSE INDUSTRIES that celebrates his genius and I absolutely love it. Check out the website that HOUSE INDUSTRIES has dedicated to Mr. Girard HERE.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Sanna Annukka

Sanna Annukka, one of my very favorite designers has redone her website and you can now buy her products online! She started to get into the home accessories and objects which I love very much. CHECK IT HERE!
Glass Family

I love these guys! So beautiful...the transient family :-) The artist is Yu Jinyoung and you can check more glass family photos HERE!
The Slow Movement

A fantastic article about the slow movement. I think we can all learn a thing or two about what these brilliant people have to say. Click HERE to go to the link.
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